Hip arthroscopy is one of the surgical procedures related to the hip joint. Arthroscopy is a procedure used to get a clear view of what is present inside the joint. It helps the doctors to know, diagnose and treat the problems related to the joints.
Hip joint present in the human body looks like a ball and socket joint. The ball is the upper end of the thighbone or femur and is called as femoral head. The socket is made with acetabulum and also the part of the pelvis bone. The ball and the socket are covered by a slippery tissue
The arthroscopy procedure involves a small camera, which is also called as arthroscope is inserted in the hip joint. Through this camera, the pictures are displayed on the screen. Such processes are used for guiding during the miniature surgical instruments. This tissue creates the surface that is smooth and frictionless and so the bones can glide across the other easily.
Selection of the Candidates
Hip arthroscopy could be performed to relieve the following problems and symptoms.
- Hip painful conditions that do not get relief from the non surgical treatments, like medications, injections, physical therapy and rest
Before the Surgery
The candidate gets examined physically to assess the condition of health. It helps identifying any problems that might interfere with the procedure of the surgery. Extensive evaluation is done, if the candidate has certain health risks. Further evaluation is done by the team of anesthesia. Most of the times, general anesthesia is given, where the candidate sleeps over the surgical procedure. Sometimes regional ansthesia is given like at epidural or spinal to numb the surgical area.
The candidate is discussed with the doctors and anesthesia team about the procedure, what and how to be before and after the procedure and also about the preference of the anesthesia. When to stop eating and drinking is also informed by medical team.
Initially, when the procedure starts, leg is put in traction. It is done so that the surgeon can insert the instrument, view the joint entirely and start performing the treatment. After the traction, a small puncture is made in the hip. The hole made would about a buttonhole size, for the purpose of arthroscope. With the help of the arthroscope, the surgeon can view what and how the hip and its joint is present and also can identify the damage.
Later other instruments are also inserted by making small separate incisions for the treatment of the problem. Based on the specific condition of the patient, different procedures are chosen and performed. The procedures usually done are smooth off or repair the cartilage, remove the inflamed synovial tissue or trim bone spurs, which are caused by Femoroacetabular Impingement or FAI.
The total amount of time needed for the surgery depends on the procedure conducted and its associated tasks.
After the Surgery
If the candidate is generally healthy, hip arthroscopy is done just like for an outpatient and do not need for the stay in the hospital. However, if there are any special medical conditions are present, stay in the hospital is required.
Usually, hip arthroscopy has the complications that are rare and are also uncommon. The surgeries associated with the hip joint are generally have the risks like injury resulted in the vessels or nerves, present in the surrounding or sometimes to the joint itself. The procedure of traction done in this procedure may cause stretch of the nerves and may result in numbness, however this complication is temporary.
The other risks can be blood clots, infection in the legs.
Once the surgery is performed, the candidate is taken to the recovery room for 1 to 2 hours of time. Support of walker, crutches might be needed for some time.
Rehabilitation plans are developed by the surgeon, based on the procedures conducted for the surgery. Apart from following the recommended rehabilitation plan, it is also important that the patient has to take the physical therapy for achieving better and faster recovery.
Cost of Hip Arthroscopy Surgery
The above Package Cost is a tentative Approximate Package Estimate, which includes initial investigations & specialists screening, stay in a Private Room wherein patient’s assistant or relative can also stay with patient, doctor / surgeon fee, nursing care, medicines & consumables, Airport Pick-Up & Drop.
In order to access, exact estimate of treatment package cost, do email us at [email protected] all your medical reports.
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