Cardio-vascular system is the second most important system in human body after brain. The entire system is made of heart, valves, blood vessels, arteries, veins and capillaries with heart being the supreme of entire cardiovascular system that works round the clock. Its main function is to ensure supply of blood throughout the body and provide a lifeline to all other organs. While on job, heart constantly makes a beating sound known as pulse or heart-beat. No wonder that continuation of heart-beat at ideal rate implies the good health of heart and human life in essence. Any disruption in functioning of heart can prove life-threatening if not addressed on time.
Heart is a very tender organ and needs due attention to stay in pink of health. However, modern life-style and eating habits do impact the health of heart. Food items rich with fat and cholesterol are big enemy to it. High intake of fat rich food chokes coronary arteries making it difficult or totally impossible for blood and oxygen to reach heart. This condition is very dangerous and calls for immediate attention. Any laxity can lead to malfunctioning of heart or even heart failure.
In case, it is found the coronary arteries are partially or completely blocked, the only solution to tackle this condition is to create an alternative route to ensure optimal blood and oxygen flow to heart. And, there are two ways to treat this- open heart bypass surgery and minimally invasive heart bypass surgery. The first one is globally recognized standard procedure but it involves big incision and usage of heart-lung machine as the procedure requires stopping the heart temporarily. On the other hand, minimally invasive heart surgery does not require opening of heart. This technique works on small incisions targeting only blocked arteries. The benefit of minimally invasive heart surgery is to reduce long incision, excess blood loss, faster recovery and minimal post-operative discomfort.
Heart related diseases are very common and can affect anyone irrespective of age and gender. There are millions of patients suffering from heart diseases all over world. However, countries like Kenya are always at high risk due to lack of awareness, poor socio-economic condition and inadequate treatment facilities.
We at World Health Expert offer the most advanced minimally invasive heart bypass surgery in India at the most affordable price. Our treatment package covers every single expense. We ensure complete patient satisfaction and hold expertise in international patient care.